04.07.2022 | KSK (Artists' Social Insurance) Act: ver.di welcomes planned adjustments


The bbk berlin welcomes the current information on the adjustment in the KSK Act: Equalisation of side jobs in self-employment with side jobs in dependent employment.

(...) In the future - as demanded by ver.di - the following should apply: Artists and publicists will be and remain insured through the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) as long as their artistic activities predominate. Up to now, insured persons lose protection through the KSK as soon as they earn more than 450 euros per month in a self-employed non-artistic profession. This income limit currently applies only to self-employed jobs, not to dependent part-time jobs. The planned amendment now brings about equality, which ver.di had repeatedly called for in the past in view of the increasing number of multiple jobs.

Link zur ausführlichen ver.di-Stellungnahme zum Gesetzesvorhaben und weitere Informationen:

Trotz Zweitjob weiter in der KSK versichert? – ver.di (verdi.de)