Save the date: Mitgliederversammlung in der Academie Lounge, Köthener Str. 44
To the members of the bbk berlin: Save the date - 2023/11/08, 6 pm
Location: Academie Lounge
Köthener Str. 44, 10963 Berlin
Dear artists
The board cordially invites you to the second general meeting of the bbk berlin this year on November 8. In the past months, the changes in Berlin politics due to the election rerun have shaped the work. Over the summer, the board, the management and the offices have held many meetings to get to know the new contact persons in the Senate and have closely followed and commented on the new draft of the double budget. Currently, the first readings of the budget are taking place.
In the newsletter, we report on this - unfortunately also on current plans for cuts, which are said to affect the independent scene in particular. Protests have reached the Senator for Culture. Nothing has been finally decided yet, e.g. whether the project spaces and initiatives will be cut in funding as drastically as feared. The bbk berlin stands in solidarity with the independent scene.
The studio program is not directly endangered - however, it urgently needs to be reorganized appropriately. Some locations, however, are always on the brink of collapse, as the example of Sigmaringer Str. 1 shows, because the political will to preserve them is not clearly formulated. It is a constant struggle for spaces for independent artistic production and we call on you to show solidarity with the colleagues there as well! You can find more information in the board report.
Please come to the general meeting, because there we can discuss the current budget decisions with you.
We are happy to be able to offer childcare for the AGM again. If you would like to make use of this service, please contact the office as early as possible at: @email
We propose the following agenda:
Top 1: Opening and welcome
Top 2: Determination of the quorum according to § 9 of the statutes
Top 3: Election of a meeting chair and taking of minutes
Top 4: Report of the Board
Top 5: Discussion of Top 4
Top 6: Election of a new Board member
Top 7: New election of the expert commission for art in public space
Top 8: New election of the admission committee
Top 9: Miscellaneous
With kind regards
Board of the bbk berlin: Frauke Boggasch, Zoë Claire Miller – spokespersons, Johannes Büttner, Birgit Cauer, Sylbee Kim and Raul Walch